Thursday, November 13, 2008

One crazy thing down, 20 more to go....

By the time most of you have read this, I will have completed my nutrition therapy rotation at UCI. This is usually the hardest rotation of the entire internship. I am truly relieved. I don't want to see the inside of a hospital for a long long time.....Unfortunately I'll be back to UCI on two occasions. foodservice rotation in December and January. And two..the baby...

While I should be relieved, it seems weekly my car takes a beating. This time it was my neighbor, who by now should know how to parallel park. Then I still have my evaluation tomorrow. 30 guests in my tiny apartment on Saturday all day. A fun time Monday morning (just pray). And a Fat test on Monday night....and by fat I do not mean fly. I mean my giant belly.

Off to my old lady early sleep....goodnight.


Anonymous said...

Can you post some pictures of your preggers tummy?

Anonymous said...

I hope the party goes great! You should be proud of yourself with all that you have taken on. It sounds like your handling it with great spirit.