Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Crazy Life

Well, I've survived 4 weeks of the internship. It has been a bit of a roller coast though. Those of you who have known me long enough know I am not a morning person, but 7 days out of 7 I am getting up at 6:30 or 7 and going to bed at 10:30 at night. I even drink coffee from time to time. Do I love the internship? No. Am I learning from it? Not anything you'd find in a textbook. What keeps me going most of the time is the idea that at the end of it, I'll have a regular old job, with regular hours, pay and benefits. Sometimes these thoughts aren't all that comforting. For the first time in my life, I think I'd be content to do nothing. I really make it sound like fun don't I? You think that sounds fun, ask me about my graduate class....

On the positive side (did you know I had one?) we had a mostly fun weekend so far, only slightly scarred by a few hours at work and a partially removed finger. Went to the Old Spaghetti Factory in Fullerton for Eleanor's birthday, and went up to visit family in Victorville today. Will post pictures of these things later. Too tired now.


Becca Masnick said...

oh man! I so love & miss the Spaghetti Factory! I haven't eaten there since! I hope life & school gets easier...WE love ya'll!


Anonymous said...

Doing nothing sounds good, then you remember the dishes, laundry, and dinner to do.
Sometimes being out of the house is better, because you can't see the mess.

HyperElbow said...

Ha! I come home and do those things anyway. I know what you mean though, a break can be nice. I just wish working was optional. Somehow choosing it makes it sound more appealing.

Anonymous said...

God didn't give me the gene to want to work. I hate working, and would never chose it unless I had no other options in life. I am an over educated Mom and that is about all I want to be.

HyperElbow said...

Sounds good to me. Yesterday I watched a kidney transplant. I would've rather been at home sleeping...