Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Keeping Becky Busy

Check this out Becky. Did you know you can get your body composition checked at Cal State Long Beach for not much money? The Kinesiology department has a Bod Pod and DEXA machine. You can determine your percent body fat and bone density. These measurements can be used to assess your health. I think it's pretty cool. I think it costs like $15 to do the Bod Pod, not sure about the the other. I think the Bod Pod cost the school like $35,000, and the DEXA $70,000.

What else did I learn lately....well, has a new section for pregnant women. They update it regularly, but that's new. Thought you might be interested in some cool websites. I don't know if you knew that in California public schools kids learn about healthy eating choices through a couple different programs. There is Champions for Change..Harvest of the Month...Five a Day.. Anyway, I thought you might want to check out some of these websites. They recommend books to encourage trying new foods, recipes/snack ideas, how to get kids involved in exercise...I think it's cool.

What else...I graduate in two months, I'm having a party. You should come!

I'll find out about my match for an internship on April 21st.

Eleanor is above the K level for reading so she's doing a new thing...Accelerated Reader.

I'm getting A's and B's even though I have senioritis.

I just got invited to join Eta Sigma Delta because I'm in the top 20% of my class and meet the academic requirements.

I desperately want to move out but I'm poor.

I work 3 positions at CHOC now. I get to screen patients and write notes.

I'm running out of things to say. I should go to sleep. Hope that keeps you busy for a few days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Melanie. Although I don't think I am that bored. I just enjoy reading people's blogs and what they are doing.

Eleanor may be friends with boys because they tend to be nicer than girls especially at that age. Girls are so mean to each other. Although when you do find a nice friend that is a girl for your daughter the relationship is priceless.

Yes I will come to your party. When is it?