Friday, January 18, 2008

God is Good

Sorry I've been neglecting the blog. Winter break is never exactly a break for me. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying it. I'm just busy. A happy sort of busy. I've hung out a lot with friends. Been getting ready for Rhonda's shower. Spending time with Eleanor. Working. One half of my job has been very challenging for me lately. No, I don't mean I just have to use my brain so much it hurts. I wish. I mean new boss, new drama. I could use some prayer in that area.

But what has really turned out to be a lot of work for me is these crazy internship applications. I couldn't begin to tell you how much goes into applying to only 3 internships. If you are just dieing to know, check them out. I'm applying to CSULB, Cal Poly Pomona, and Oakwood University.

All applications and the necessary forms and letters are due February 1st (one February 15th..bless their hearts). I'm starting to panic as the day approaches!

Then school starts up on the 28th. Oh, and next Monday I train for morning shifts....5am! Any of ya'll who've known me for awhile should know by now I just barely got to bed at 5am. On the brighter side, if I decide to work these shifts I will be out by 1:30pm, never miss picking up Eleanor from school, not have any custody issues, and longer shifts mean more money. Besides, part of the drama at work it that they've decided (meaning new boss) that we should come in at 4pm instead of 1pm. So...instead of working 1-7 and getting paid for 6 hours, having enough time for breaks, a little extra time to get everything done just right and not stress out, and still be able to get home to Eleanor at a decent hour.....they want us in at 4pm, out by 8pm...So I'll only get 4 hours to do work I've been doing for a year and a half in 6 hours, get paid for 2 less hours, be totally strapped for time the whole time I work, no one will get breaks, I may not get out until 9 sometimes, and I will barely get home to put Eleanor to bed. So...morning shifts are looking mighty tasty right now.

Well, back to work.

Oh...haha....God is good. That thing I asked so many of you to pray for...everything is going to work out the way I wanted it to. God has performed a miracle. Ask me about it.

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