Thursday, December 13, 2007

No More Lecture!

As I sat in class tonight I couldn't help but count down the minutes until the lecture would end. It was the very last one of the semester, and hopefully the last one altogether for me of advanced nutrition. I can't help but be worried sick about it. I want so desperately to pass this class, graduate and do my internship. 5 days...5 days of trying to make myself study, for 4 tests in 2 days...I feel terribly ill every time I think of it. All I want to do is just enjoy my weekend. Enjoy a friend I haven't seen in months. Enjoy 3 Christmas parties in one day. Enjoy the Cantata. Watch 3 more episodes of Heroes.....Okay, the last one can wait. How am I gonna manage the motivation I need for all the studying I must accomplish? The good new is, I don't really need to do all that well on 3 of the 4 finals to keep my A's....and I could be really lazy and still get B's. But advanced nutrition....well, I don't even know what I need to get on the final to pass, but I do know it's going to be the hardest test of all, and I need the points there more than anywhere else. Ugh!!!

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