Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I was really proud of my kids tonight. I was like beaming when they did their verses tonight during book time. Some of my kids hadn't really done any verses for weeks. It didn't seem to matter what I said to them before, they were on another planet. But all my kids were on fire tonight. I even enjoyed game time. My team out there really works together and encourages each other. I had kids really try their hardest tonight, and even when they didn't win there was so much encouragement I could see that they were proud of themselves. I am really blessed to have the opportunity to work with the kids in AWANA. I learn much more from them than I will probably ever teach them.

Do you remember how you felt about God at that stage? I remember being 7 years old and being told that the penalty for sin was death, seperation from God for eternity. It struck such fear in my heart. I wish I could remember what else I felt back then, I don't have a very good memory. With Eleanor, I find that she never doubts the ability or intentions of God, what He can accomplish, His love for His children. Every Bible story seems so miraculous to her.

I think I've become too complacent, numb. A little too comfortable in my sin, in my doubts. I mean, think about what 1 John 1:9 means to you.

I know I'm a Christian. I know I've been saved by God's grace. But I think I really have stopped living as though I've been forgiven. I have forgotten His faithfulness. I just don't want to let another day go by like that.

Read Joel 2......Just amazing. Can you feel God's love for His children? I am one of them......


Anonymous said...

Yes, I well remember the fear I felt. I think I want my children to feel more of the grace and mercy that is offered than the fear. I know that you have to feel a certain amount of fear when you realize that we are all doomed to Hell without God's grace in our lives. But I guess I will never forget sitting in a chair at home with fear just piercing through every part of my was unbearable. Since I have grown as a believer I just see more emphasis in the Bible on the love, mercy, compassion, and grace of the Father. And that is what I want to stress with my children. That yes you need to fear God and going to Hell but more thought should be put into praising Him for His attributes that draw us to salvation.

Raylene said...

I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hi I just saw you at game night thanks for talking me into playing. It was nice getting to know you better.