Thursday, February 26, 2009

This one's for you.......

I have a lot to be thankful for but I feel like here's a nice long list of "I hate it when":

1. People point out a speck in your eye when they have a log in their own
2. People complain about complaining
3. People complain about other people's blogs.....if you don't like it don't read it, and stop complaining
4. People post blogs that are obviously directed at you rather than saying it to your face (hehehe)
5. People think relationships and social interaction are about being tolerant, "putting up" with difficult or sinful people....we're all difficult and sinful people....why don't you try love instead. I can't believe people think it's better to just be around other more righteous people like themselves (ha!), when clearly Jesus kept company with the least desirable people.

Yeah, so I'm guilty of all of these things. Thank God for His amazing grace.

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